Small Book Stand Dimensions:
Height: 110mm / 11cm / 4.33"
Width: 75mm / 7.5cm / 2.95"
Depth: 105mm / 10.5cm / 4.13"
Depth of Holder: 25mm / 2.5cm / 1"
Medium Book Stand Dimensions:
Height: 145mm / 14.5cm / 5.71"
Width: 100mm / 10cm / 3.93"
Depth: 120mm / 12cm / 4.72"
Depth of Holder: 25mm / 2.5cm / 1"
Large Book Stand Dimensions:
Height: 190mm / 19cm / 7.48"
Width: 100mm / 10cm / 3.93"
Depth: 140mm / 14cm / 5.51"
Depth of Holder: 25mm / 2.5cm / 1"